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MaximIC Datenblätter Katalog-173

Teil noHerstellerApplication
MAX6320PUK33CY-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog and manual reset (watchdog input,manual reset input, reset output active-low, open-drain).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 3.300V, reset timeout(min) 140ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 1.6sec
MAX2410E/D MaximICLow-cost RF up/downconverter with LNA and PA driver.
MX7545JN MaximICCMOS 12-bit buffered multiplying DAC. Error +-2 LSB.
MXD1000UA100 MaximIC5-tap silicon delay line
MAX240CMH MaximIC+5V-powered, multichannel RS-232 driver-receiver.
MAX6318LHUK27BY-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog and manual reset,(watchdog input,reset output active-low,push/pull; active-high,push/pull).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 2.700V min, reset timeout 20ms, typ watchdog timeout 1.6sec
MAX4019EEE MaximICLow-cost, high-speed, single-supply, gain of +2 buffer.
MAX3831UCB MaximIC+3.3V, 2.5Gbps, SDH/SONET, 4-channel interconnect mux/demux ICs with clock generator.
MAX6316MUK33CX-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog and manual reset (watchdog input,manual reset input,reset output active-low,bidirectional).Factory-trimmed reset threshold (typ) 3.300V, min reset timeout 140ms, typ watchdog timeout 102ms
MAX706SMJA MaximICLow-cost, microprocessor supervisory circuit. Precison supply-voltage monitor 2.93V. Active-low reset output signal.
MX7506TQ MaximICSingle, 16 channel (1 of 16) monolithic CMOS analog multiplexer.
MAX267BMRG MaximICPin programmable univesal and bandpass filter. Accuracy 2%.
MAX6318LHUK25BY-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog and manual reset,(watchdog input,reset output active-low,push/pull; active-high,push/pull).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 2.500V min, reset timeout 20ms, typ watchdog timeout 1.6sec
MAX6314US28D4-T MaximIC68H11/bidirectional-compatible microprocessor reset circuit. Reset threshold(nom) 2.80V. Reset timeout period(min) 1120ms.
MAX6380UR44-T MaximICUltra-low-power voltage detector, 4.4V
MAX6316LUK40DX-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog and manual reset (watchdog input,manual reset input,reset output active-low,push/pull).Factory-trimmed reset threshold (typ) 4.000V, min reset timeout 1.12sec, typ watchdog timeout 102ms
MAX394C/D MaximICPrecision, quad, SPST analog switch
MAX4516EUK MaximIC+-1V to +-6V dual-supply opration, low-on-resistance, SPST, CMOS analog switch. Normally open (NO).
MAX6321HPUK47DZ-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog (watchdog input, reset outputs active-high, push/pull and active-low, open-drain).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 4.700V, reset timeout(min) 1.12sec, watchdog timeout(typ) 25.6sec
MAX4533CSP MaximICQuad, Rail-to-Rail, fault-protected, SPDT analog switch.
MAX201CWE MaximIC+5V RS-232 transceiver with 0.1 microF external capacitors
MAX6316LUK42BY-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog and manual reset (watchdog input,manual reset input,reset output active-low,push/pull).Factory-trimmed reset threshold (typ) 4.200V, min reset timeout 20ms, typ watchdog timeout 1.6sec
MAX6318LHUK31DW-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog and manual reset,(watchdog input,reset output active-low,push/pull; active-high,push/pull).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 3.080V min, reset timeout 1.12sec, typ watchdog timeout 6.3ms
DG306ACWE MaximICCMOS dual and quad analog switch.
MAX6321HPUK48BZ-T MaximICMicroprocessor supervisory circuit with watchdog (watchdog input, reset outputs active-high, push/pull and active-low, open-drain).Factory-trimmed reset threshold(typ) 4.800V, reset timeout(min) 20ms, watchdog timeout(typ) 25.6sec
MAX6380UR34-T MaximICUltra-low-power voltage detector, 3.4V
MAX6375XR22-T MaximICUltra-low-power voltage detector, 2.2V
MAX6307UK25D3-T MaximICMultiple-input, programmable reset IC (open-drain reset output,factory-set reset threshold on Vcc,1additional undervoltage reset input,negative/overvoltage reset inp.).Factory-trimmed reset thresholds2.438(min),2.563(max).Nominal timeout period 140ms.
MAX614EPA MaximICDual-slot PCMCIA analog power controller.
MAX1481EUB MaximICSoftware-selectable, half-/full-duplex, slew-rate-limite 12 Mbps, RS-485/RS-422 transceiver.

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